June of 1889, in the small community of Westlake, Louisiana, two young men shared a desk while working for Perkins and Miller Lumber Company. The two men began a lifelong

partnership eventually acquiring Perkins and Miller Lumber Company and formed it into the foundation of a corporation that is still in existence today. Almost one hundred and fifty years later, this corporation is known as KRAUSE & MANAGAN LUMBER COMPANY, L.L.C. Five generations later, the revenue streams have changed but the goal remains to keep the original company intact. Today the company’s land holdings are located in four southwest Louisiana parishes, with a new modern office facility located in Sulphur, La., on one of several working farms. Various operations include cattle for beef production, C & D Landfill, dirt excavation, real estate leasing and rentals, and subdivision development. Krause & Managan operates still to this day under the original charter of the corporation, with a board of directors, its’ president and shareholders, who still gather for corporate meetings.

June of 1889, in the small community of Westlake, Louisiana, two young men shared a desk while working for Perkins and Miller Lumber Company. The two men began a lifelong partnership eventually acquiring Perkins and Miller Lumber Company and formed it into the foundation of a corporation that is still in existence today. Almost one hundred and fifty years later, this corporation is known as KRAUSE & MANAGAN LUMBER COMPANY, L.L.C. Five generations later, the revenue streams have changed but the goal remains to keep the original company intact. Today the company’s land holdings are located in four southwest Louisiana parishes, with a new modern office facility located in Sulphur, La., on one of several working farms. Various operations include cattle for beef production, C & D Landfill, dirt excavation, real estate leasing and rentals, and subdivision development. Krause & Managan operates still to this day under the original charter of the corporation, with a board of directors, its’ president and shareholders, who still gather for corporate meetings.